Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Gangsta Rap/ Trap Rap Movement

Every since the days of Easy E and N.W.A America has been in love with
gangster rap. Saggy pants ,hardcore lyrics full of vulgarity and
obscenities you gotta love it. It seems as though the more rude the more
crude the artist's persona is the more young listeners idolize them. Is our society so warped that our childrens' role models are not doctors, lawyers, etc. but glorified pimps and drug dealers? As of late artists from the southern states have been the most prominate. Artists like underground legends Gucci Mane, Young Jeezy, and other southern based atrists have developed a spin off of the gangsta rap genre refered to as Trap music(Traping being slang for drug dealing). Due to the recent commercial success of pioneers in the Trap genre our youth is being influenced negatively now more than ever. Gangster rap has been rauncy since its beginning but now a days limited restriction on what can be shown on television combined with the availability of the internet which is completely unrestricted is rapidly aiding the destruction of our countries moral fabric. I have to know; what is it that attracts our youth to the street life risk, thrill, or lack of parental guidance and government censorship? Whoever is in charge in the households across the U.S. as well as those who's job it is to censor what the general public is exposed to both need to seriously pay closer attention to what slips pass their radar. The world would be a much better place if people took responsibility for their off-spring instead of letting media raise them.